Welcome to The Brain Soul Success Show with Dr. Louise Swartswalter, a master transformational coach, speaker, naturopathic doctor, and biofeedback frequency pioneer who helps business owners take back their brain, body and soul power to increase profits and make a bigger impact. Dr. Louise is the CEO and creator of the Brain Soul Success Academy and has a team of certified coaches helping people just like you! This show is for high performing entrepreneurs and business owners who want great health, better brains, better relationships and are making a BIG impact in the world! I love stories of transformation and the intersection of science and spirituality. Each week I will be giving you access to world class authors, speakers, doctors, psychologists, athletes, coaches, scientists, and business owners. Past guests include Gregg Braden, Dr. Anna Cabeca, Dr. Shamini Jain and more! My mission is to change 10 million brains by 2025! Let’s RISE Together!
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Creating Abundance - The Brain Soul Way
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Do you feel as though you’ve hit a glass ceiling in your life or business?
Are you feeling stuck and not sure how you’re going to reach your goals and achieve your dreams?
Let’s clear that energy!
Using my 5-part BRAIN System™, you have the ability to manifest the life that you desire! My clients have used these tools over the years to attract abundance in so many areas of their lives…more money, better relationships, positive mindset, more clients - the possibilities really are endless when you clear the energy from the spaces in your brain that are causing you to feel lost, stuck, and like you just can’t stay ahead.
I looked back and I have been running these classes since 2008! In 15 years I have helped people attract over 1 million dollars and attract partners, clients, vacations, promotions, tax refunds, movie roles and opportunities.
Whohoo! Abundance!!
Join me on May 17th for a powerful masterclass to learn the tools that will help you clear energy to receive all of the abundance you desire.
3 Brain Hacks to Attract Abundance: Break through your Abundance Ceiling and Make it Stick!
Get ready to…
- Learn 3 simple brain hacks to attract abundance
- Discover quick brain exercises that dissolve your resistance
- Learn how to immediately reframe negative thoughts and self-sabotage
- Leave transformed, feeling empowered and lighter
Register here: https://louiseswartswalter.lpages.co/abundancemasterclass/
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Quit Smoking & Lose Weight with Hypnosis: Rita Black
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
If you’ve ever found yourself wanting to ditch a bad habit or just improve some aspect of your life, hypnosis may not be the first solution that comes to mind. But what if I told you that you can actually achieve success in becoming the person you want to be through hypnosis?
My guest on the podcast today is Rita Black C.Ht., a clinical hypnotherapist and a leading expert in both the arenas of smoking cessation and weight loss. She is the author of the best selling From Fat to Thin Thinking:Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss and the host of the Thin Thinking podcast. She is a featured expert on Unplug Meditation and Beach Body Fitness. Her online hypnosis-based Shift Weight Mastery Process and Smokefree123 programs have helped thousands unlock the power of their subconscious to have powerful transformations into healthier and more powerful lives.
If you’re tired of fad diets that don’t work, have tried to quit smoking just to start up again and again, this episode will empower and educate you on the power of your mind through hypnosis.
Inside this episode:
- Rita’s personal journey with smoking and weight that led her to hypnosis
- What exactly is hypnosis and how does it help people achieve a more long lasting weight release
- Can everyone use hypnosis successfully?
- How our identity and beliefs play an important role in successful weight management
- Testimonies of success after feelings of failure around weight loss and smoking
I love the work Rita is doing and the lives that she’s changing with her programs. We completely align in understanding the power of the brain and how we can shift our identities, our habits and even our behavior patterns to experience more freedom and transform our lives!
Interested in learning more? Be sure to check out Rita’s Free Weight Loss Masterclass with a light hypnosis session: How to Stop the 'Start Over Tomorrow' Weight Struggle Cycle and Start Releasing Weight for Good. This 75-minute masterclass will walk you through how to remove the subconscious weight barriers that keep you struggling. https://shiftmonthlymasterymembership.mykajabi.com/a/2147508656/5SWsKHbs
To Your Success,
Love, Louise
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Practical Solutions for Children’s Mental Health with Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Research shows that at least one in two children have a physical or mental health issue. And as parents, we all want the best for our children. So how can we help when it comes to our children’s mental health? We’re diving into this important topic today with Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge.
Dr. Roseann is a mental health trailblazer, founder of The Global Institute of Children’s Mental Health and Dr. Roseann,LLC, who is on a mission to change the way we view and treat mental health, showing people it's gonna be ok with science-backed tools that improve wellbeing. She is known for teaching how to calm the brain in order to have a happy family and giving the keys to unlock the brain’s potential. With her trademarked method, BrainBehaviorReset™, has helped thousands address the most challenging conditions such as ADHD, executive functioning, anxiety, OCD, mood, Lyme, and PANS/PANDAS using science-backed holistic therapies. She is an author of three books including her most recent book, It’s Gonna be OK!™, Podcast host of It’s Gonna be OK! The Parenting Resource for Children’s Behavior and Mental Health and is a media personality who is featured on dozens of media outlets.
Inside this episode:
- The story behind Dr. Roseann’s passion for children’s mental health
- The uncommon approach she’s uses to provide practical solutions to mental health and brain health in parents and children - the BrainBehaviorReset™
- How the parent’s brain and mental health correlate to our child’s mental health
- A grounding technique you can use to self-regulate when you’re feeling anxious
Dr. Roseann truly is a wealth of information when it comes to getting to the root cause of our children’s mental health and educating parents everywhere on actionable strategies to not only help their children, but also help themselves in their parenting journey.
To learn more from Dr. Roseann, visit her website and check our her podcast, It’s Gonna be OK! The Parenting Resource for Children’s Behavior and Mental Health.
Want to take action right away? Join Dr. Roseann’s Facebook Group, Natural Parening Solutions or take her free quiz, Is it ADHD or Something Else: https://drroseann.com/adhdquiz
To Your Success,
Love, Louise
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Pat Tucker, MD: A Testimony of Transformational Healing
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Pat Tucker, MD: A Testimony of Transformational Healing
Through my years of helping people heal themselves, the testimonies I receive just make me so excited about the work I get to do everyday. I’ve had people come to me from all walks of life who are experiencing all sorts of issues from physical to mental and emotional to issues within their businesses, their marriage and so much more. But when they experience the BRAIN System™ and they actually put in the work, the transformation they experience is like nothing else out there.
Dr. Pat Tucker is a holistic physician and he came to me a year ago when he was struggling in his marriage. This episode is a look into his story and the healing he has experienced in his own life since our work together.
Now, Pat is stepping into his power and using his gifts as a successful doctor and businessman to begin Quantum Healing Center using many tools including the BRAIN System™. Dr. Pat is going to change the scope and practice of healthcare in America. I am over the moon excited to be his guide and share our passions and friendship.
As Pat says, “the change in me is invaluable. You can’t get this anywhere else.”
Be sure to click play on this episode to hear Pat’s full testimony on how he went from feeling stuck, worthless, and unhappy to feeling confident, empowered, and free for the first time in 5 decades!
To Your Success,
Love, Louise
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Heather Gray: Taking Control of Your Health
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Many times our first instinct when we’re not feeling well or our health seems a bit out of whack is to go to the doctor. Maybe they come up with a diagnosis, maybe they don’t. Maybe they throw some prescriptions your way or suggest supplements to treat your pain or illness. Sound familiar?
In today’s episode, I’m joined by Heather Gray, known as The Lyme Boss, and we discuss why the above is not always the first solution to healing yourself. As Heather suggests, let’s look beyond the treatment and get to the root cause of your health issues starting with your stress level and lifestyle. You can take control of your health journey!
Heather Gray is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner. She found this work after 27 years of undiagnosed Lyme Disease, Celiac Disease, Hashimoto's, and Endometriosis. She was depressed, anxious, and in chronic widespread pain, bloated, constipated, exhausted, and experiencing weight gain, to name a few things. She set out on a path to healing and has now lost over 100 ounds, her pain has lessened, she no longer has suicidal thoughts, and has all-day energy. Heather now has a practice where she teaches others how to take care of themselves and get the inflammation off their body and brain. She gives you control over your health journey!
Inside this episode:
- Heather’s health journey that led her to healing and building a business
- Action steps Heather took to heal herself from lyme disease and other autoimmune diseases
- The importance of taking control of your health journey by looking beyond the treatment to find the root cause of your health issues
- Business lessons and tips for personal and professional growth
The work Heather has done to heal herself reminds me so much of my own health journey and the transformation she helps others experience is so effective in healing so many areas of your life.
Grab Heather’s free download – Real Cooking for Real Life! Do you need more energy to get through the day, tired of dealing with brain fog or chronic, widespread pain? Do you suffer from Lyme Disease or other Autoimmune disorders? Learn how to make delicious, fast, and easy meals to get your body in balance: https://thelymeboss.com/resource-download/
If you’d like to learn more from Heather, visit her website, www.thelymeboss.com
To Your Success,
Love, Louise